Such A Secret Place by Cortney Pearson – author interview

My book is about a world where a wizard’s spell has banished emotions so people can’t cry, but a girl named Ambry Csille finds a rare vial of enchanted tears and has to use them in order to break the spell.

I came up with the idea while I was driving one day and jamming out to a Shiny Toy Guns song. I wish I could remember which one, but I remember driving along and BING! Hey, that would be a cool idea if tears were MAGICAL. And then the ideas flowed from there.

My writing process isn’t really a set thing. I write whenever and wherever I get the chance, and usually carry a notebook with me to capture snippets of time while my kids play or while I’m waiting for things. Most of the time I find things flow better when writing by hand, and then I usually transfer the scenes and flesh them out more on the computer.

I’ve never really fit into a “niche” before–how some authors are known for writing contemporary YA or YA sci fi or romance. I actually have a YA horror (Phobic), Such a Secret Place is a YA fantasy, and I’m also working on a YA steampunk novel. None of those really seem to fit together very well, but I’ve since discovered I’m technically a YA “Speculative Fiction” author, because each of my books deals with paranormal elements of some kind. Horror, sci fi, paranormal romance, fantasy, etc. So yay! 🙂

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