Book Tour, Giveaway, and Author Guest Post for The Royal Mages Series by Kristin Ping

First Sight
The Royal Mages Book 1
by Kristin Ping
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Young, French, and working in the USA, Danielle Laurant has it all—including the love of heartthrob Marick Young.
However, there’s something sinister brewing underneath their love.
Secrets can make or break any relationship—but especially when it’s one that goes against the grain of otherworldly laws.
Marick is the prince of warlocks and his father refuses to allow his son to love a human girl and Marick refuses to let her go.
Marick introduces Danielle to a world she didn’t know existed. But she needs to end their relationship or force him to lose his crown. And if it isn’t done soon, it won’t matter anyway. She’ll be put to death.
In this exciting, fast paced, introduction to the Royal Mages series by USA Today Bestselling Author Kristin Ping, prepare for a forbidden romance like no other.
**Get it FREE!!**
Forever Part I
The Royal Mages Book 2
Danielle Laurant has been struggling to be accepted behind the vail where witches and other supernatural roams free. But she is fighting for that chance, for her half witch/human unborn babies to live in the world where they belong, and juggling her new duties is a lot harder than what she is used to.
Marick Young, the prince of the mages, had to abdicate his throne in order to have the love of his life Danielle by his side. Still, it’s a hard struggle to be truly accepted as it’s forbidden to love a human.
Still, secrets can make or break any situation—especially when it’s one that goes against the grain of otherworldly laws. And Danielle is stuck right in the middle.
In this exciting, fast paced, second part of the Royal Mages series by USA Today Bestselling Author Kristin Ping, prepare for a forbidden romance like no other.
Forever Part II
The Royal Mages Book 3
Forever Part II is the final book in the Royal Mages trilogy.
A deadly and forbidden potion has back fired badly on Danielle’s life where she forgets Marick and her life as the wife of a royal mage.
She is stuck with a terrifying memory fed to her and finds herself living in a dark and unforgiving world.
Is her love for Marick strong enough to find him again? and what secrets is she going to unvail this time?
In this exciting, fast paced, third part to the Royal Mages trilogy by USA Today Bestselling Author Kristin Ping, prepare for a forbidden romance like no other.
GUEST POST BY THE AUTHOR —  10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author I Didn’t Know Before This one is always fun, and hopefully, new and aspiring authors could take something from my experience. I started to write in 2009. I was 29 years old and thought I would become the next J.K Rowling. I’m honest as can come, and let’s face it, every new author who gets an idea thinks their book will be the next Harry Potter. Newsflash, and it is a big wake up call, your book won’t be the next Harry Potter unless you really have something gold in your hands. So yes, that is my number 1. Your book won’t be the next Harry Potter. Number 2: Reviews. If I knew reviews could be that harsh, I probably would never have started to write. The funny part is, it’s like 5% of my reviews are so negative, I wanted to sit in a corner and cry. The other 95% struggle to actually wait for my next book. Authors quit writing because of their reviews. They can be brutal, and less than a percent of those reviews are actually helpful. You get negative reviews that you learn from, and those readers I treasure as they tell you what they find wrong with your book. The other part likes to tell you what trash your book is, and we call those reviewers, Trolls. They are known as trolls as they do not know how to write a review that helps authors and actually trash their writing dreams. It’s one of the reasons I do not read my reviews anymore as I always concentrate on those 5% negative reviews and forget about the 95% that actually loved it. Number 3. Marketing. If I knew that I would spend so much time on marketing, I would probably choose a different career. But I love the first part so much, it’s like breathing that marketing is just something I have to do. Number 4. Writing the book. My first book took three years to write, and I thought it was the most challenging part I’d ever done. Writing the book is the easiest part. I wish I knew that before I published. Number 5. Wattpad. I wish I knew about Wattpad before I started. Wattpad is a beautiful site if you are starting out, trying to build your fan base. It’s a bit harder if you are an established author using Wattpad and then developing your career. Number 6. Publishers. I was with a publisher first before I stepped out on my own. Publishers can really make things sound so sparkling and pretty. Giving you the idea that all you are going to do is write the book. It’s not the truth. If you are not a prominent name author, you will work your tush off for a crazy small amount of the percentage when it comes to royalties. You are lucky if publishers give you half, but most provide you with anything from 12 to 25% of the cut. So be careful when it comes to publishers. They have their strong points in getting your book out there, but you can also step in a ditch and struggle to get out. Number 7. Editing, editing, editing. English isn’t my first language, and I can’t tell how important it is to get an editor that can actually edit a book. I had many, many people telling me that they are brilliant at editing. Then I trust them and guess what, when my book gets released, plenty of reviews streamed in about my book being riddled with mistakes. It’s hard to find an editor, and I wished that I actually took an editor’s course before writing. Number 8. You are going to work your butt off. If you are not prepared to work your butt off (not meaning literally as you sit on a chair), then don’t do this. I never worked this hard at any of my jobs. So be prepared to work your butt off. Number 9. Funnel sites. Ever heard of Book funnel, Prolific, and StoryOrigin. Yip, I wish that I knew about them when I started. They are excellent sites that help you gain newsletter subscribers that love books. You need those to make a success from your writing career. Number 10: Networking. You need authors to help you make a success in this career. I started late in life when it comes to this, but glad that I discovered it eventually. This industry is not a competition. The sun is big enough for all of us, and you need author buddies to help with pushing and cross-promoting. It’s like one hand washes the other. Bloggers. Bloggers are gold. Treasure them, and work on your blogger list as you grow. And that is my ten top list I wish I knew before I published my book. If you have anything to add, leave it in the comments. I might not even know about it.
Kristin resides in South Africa, East side of Johannesburg with her husband and two beautiful little girls. Writing has always been a passion of hers and she’s living the dream, being able to write every day. ” I love life, cherish every special second of it and live my dream.” She has recently started her own Publishing company – Fire Quill Publishing in South Africa –
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!
$10 Amazon

Book Blog Tour for Secret Circle by P. Sawyer

The Secret Circle
Children of Chaos Series
by P. Sawyer
Genre: YA Fantasy, Paranormal
Sage Pope is your typical teenager. High school student, avid softball player…until she turns sixteen. One week before Sage’s birthday, she is thrust into a world she only thought existed in legends. A world full of magic, supernatural powers and secrets.
Adopted by Pennies after her mother’s death, Sage is kept away from the world of the Circle, an elite Wiccan coven tasked with protecting the ancient powers in Salem, MA. However, Sage has been summoned and the fate of Salem rests on her shoulders and the powers she doesn’t even know she possesses.
Join Sage and the Four as they navigate power manifestations, secrets, and a rouge coven looking to use her to siphon the ancient powers.
**Only .99 cents!!**
P. Sawyer is a romance author that loves to read as much as she loves to write! Fascinated with bringing the “real” version of lo ve to readers, P. strives to show how mess love can be and how happily ever afters aren’t always what they seem.
P. grew up in New England and currently lives with her husband, two children and dog in CT. When she is not creating less than perfect love stories, she can be found reading or watching Hockey.
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!
$25 Amazon

Book Tour and Author Interview for Lucid by Kristy Fairlamb

Tour Date:

April 24-May 1

(Please note that tour posts must be up by 08:00 hours EST)

Link to Goodreads:

Purchase Links:

BAM | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | TBD  

Link to Tour Schedule:

Giveaway Details:

  • Mini Cadbury’s English Wicker Hamper
Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway Link to Giveaway:

Lucid (Lucid #1) by Kristy Fairlamb

Publication Date:  April 23, 2019
Publisher:  Lakewater Press

A terrifying power. A horrifying curse. 

Lucy Piper lives a lonely existence on the precipice between life and death. She possesses the horrifying ability to resurrect real-life tragic events in her nightmares, reliving over and over, as if she were there, the last few moments before the victim takes their final breath. Car accidents, drownings, plane crashes – Lucy has seen it all. No one understands what it’s like living death by night and fearing sleep by day.

When Tyler Sims and his family move to town to escape past traumas, Lucy is drawn to him. The two of them are linked through their dreams, and with Tyler’s trust and friendship, hope for a brighter future returns to Lucy’s world. But Tyler’s presence awakens something else in Lucy, and with this new knowledge, she will be forced to make impossible decisions. Decisions that will change history, and the future.

Chilling, haunting and compelling, this novel is the first in a two-part series for fans of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Hidden Memory of Objects that will leave you breathless for days.

Author Interview

1. Tell us about your writing process. Do you aim for a daily word count, page count, or a couple of scenes each day?

When I wrote my first book, Lucid, I didn’t know what I was doing, or even if I could write a book. So, I just took it as it came, and it took me a year to write. The following two novels I wrote, the sequel to Lucid and a stand alone, were both written during NaNoWriMo, or at least started, I never finished them within a month, but I came close. I aimed for around 2000 words each day, sometimes getting a bit more, other days falling short. I change my schedule during the first draft writing stage. I wake at 5am and before I’ve even had a coffee, I sit and write. That way, most days, I have a good chunk written before my family wake up.

Editing is less structured, I pretty much fit it in where I can.

2. What gave you the inspiration for your book (and the series)?

I think it all started when I would talk about my dreams with my daughter each morning. And wondering what it’d be like to live with nightmares that were way more serious than anyone else could truly understand? And what if they were more than just nightmares. From that surfaced a character and one thing led to another until eventually LUCID was born.

3. What sort of research did you do for this book?

Not much to begin with. I like to write first, edit later. Eventually my research for this book involved a strange mix of things; what it’s like to die a certain way, concussion, certain medication side effects, causes for a plane to realistically crash, specifics on Queen Victoria, and how Jet is made.
When things got serious, I called in the experts. A doctor friend of mine helped make a particular series of events more believable, and a contact through a writer’s group was an expert on aeroplanes so he came in very handy.

4. Are you a pantser or a plotter? A bit of both?

Mostly plotter. I plot out most of the book and create the characters enough that I know who they are and why they might act a certain way. But I get to about ¾ of the way through the plan and then I just want to write. I usually know the ending but not those last scenes that get me there. But this works really well, because as I write, the story often changes, especially as I near the end. This allows me to know what’s going on at the same time as having the freedom to go where the story takes me.

5. Do you prefer a certain type of music to listen to when you’re writing, or are you better with silence?

I like both. Sometimes I accidently write a tonne of words and only when I’m done do I realise it’s been complete silence the whole time. But I do love music too. I have a writing playlist I’ve created on Spotify

It’s a mix of all sorts of songs that I like but have no lyrics.  

6. What book(s) are you reading now?

I’ve just started The Year After You by Nina de Pass. It’s set in a Swiss boarding school and is about a young girl who’s struggling to come to terms with the loss of her friend 9 months earlier. I’m enjoying it so far.
I’m also about half way through A Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee. I loved A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and couldn’t wait for this one to come out about Monty’s sister.

7. Just for fun — what TV shows or movies have you really enjoyed (or disliked?) recently?

I don’t watch a lot of T.V. but there are certain series that I stop life for. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, and Outlander are my current loves.

And I love going to the movies. I recently saw Five Feet Apart with my daughter. I may have shed a few tears.


Kristy Fairlamb is an Australian author of the Young Adult Lucid series coming out in 2019.

She spends her days drinking coffee and torturing her characters with loads of tension – both love related and the nail biting kind.

Long before her days of writing began she spent half her childhood in a make believe world; daydreaming about growing up, falling in love, and travelling the world.

She’s worked as a nanny in country England, a junior matron in a boy’s boarding school south of London, a governess in East Timor, and made coffees and cleared tables in the New South Wales snow fields.

She lives with her husband, teenage daughter, and two sons in the beautiful Adelaide Hills where they’re lucky enough to get occasional visits from the local koalas.

She’s terrible at gardening, likes her bookshelves sorted by colour, and recently checked off a lifelong dream of jumping from a plane.

When she’s not writing or daydreaming about her stories you’ll find her reading, cooking for her family, or doing anything to avoid the housework.

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Book Blitz for Enchantress by Kristy Centeno

Author: Kristy Centeno

Book Title: Enchantress

Release Date: April 15, 2018

Publisher: Inkspell Publisher

Cover Artist: Najla Qamber

Genre: Paranormal, YA, NA

Fate brought them together. Will evil break them apart?

Leah Parker’s visit to her hometown is supposed to bring her closer to the truth behind her identity. What she doesn’t anticipate is the handsome stranger with almond eyes claiming to be her Pair.

Her world once again upturned with the arrival of the man chosen to be her life partner, Leah is pulled between the feelings she’s always had for the friend she left behind, and those for the compelling stranger determined to save her from certain death—at whatever the cost.

With an ancient evil out to finish what it started twenty-one years before, will Leah find peace within her troubled mind and heart to fight back and win? Or will her disconnection with her newfound powers hinder her only chance at survival?

His sacrifice…is her salvation.

Goodreads Link:




About the Author:

Kristy Centeno is the author of the Secrets of the Moon saga and Keeper Witches series.

She has always had a passion for books and after years of being an avid reader, she decided to transform her desire to write into a reality and thus, her first novel was born. When she’s not busy taking care of her five children or holding down the fort, she finds time to sit and do what she loves the most: writing.

Website| Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads| Amazon | Google+

Read below for excerpts from the book:

Enchanter Excerpts:


“Are you scared of me? Is that it?” As if to make a point, he covered the distance between us in three short steps, and backed me off into the landing to the stairwell behind me, stopping only when our bodies were a few inches from coming into physical contact. The invigorating scent of his cologne invaded my nostrils, causing my mind to go into total and complete turmoil.

I shut down, unsure how to react. I hadn’t anticipated being cornered in a vulnerable spot where we were shielded from view. Normally, I was a sucker for guys who smelled as good as he did, but this was Brandon Morris. I couldn’t decide whether to lean closer and inhale slowly, or scream and push him away.

“Are you?”

I wanted to deny his accusation, but he could see the truth in my eyes. It was pointless to pretend as if he hadn’t just sent my heart into a race. By then he could see how badly I shook. I could not disguise it fast enough for him not to notice.

“Should I be?” I asked softly, fear forcing my voice to quake.


Fighting the nausea threatening to consume me, I made a mad dash for alleyway’s entrance. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I shrieked and sprinted faster, almost colliding into the thin man who appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I managed to stop in time to crash into him, but as soon as I caught sight of his profile I regretted not plowing right through him.

He looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Tall, long, and lanky, with shoulder-length white hair, unnaturally pale skin, and eyes that gave the impression of missing irises, he was no less horrifying than the black figure I’d seen at the stairwell or the ghostly woman in my bedroom. He was clad from top to bottom in dark clothing, which gave him all the more menacing feel. As he stood, staring at me in a way that communicated I was about to become food, I could have sworn my stomach dropped to my feet. This was no ordinary attacker. He didn’t have rape or mugging in mind, but something much more sinister.


Movement several yards behind him caught my attention and I glanced around his left shoulder to the woods, noting the quick blur of a figure darting from behind one tree to another. Something was off about the way this person rushed by. It sparked a sense of familiarity that horrified me.

“Brandon, I don’t think we’re alone anymore,” I murmured as another flash of white scurried ever closer. It was too dark for me to determine who it was, but I was certain of one thing: we were being watched.

“What…?” The meaning of my words didn’t immediately dawn on him.

“Someone’s out there.”

Brandon spun around abruptly. He scanned the area briefly as he backed into me while sucking in air. His suddenly rigid posture warned me whoever was out there was not friendly.

Without a single word of explanation, Brandon turned to me and took my hand in his, pulling me down the path we’d used to get to the gazebo. He towed me along in a haste, leaving me no room to protest, or figure out what the hell was going on. A weird, high-pitched hissing sound emanated from somewhere behind us. It startled me and I was tempted to glance over my shoulder, but Brandon’s next words stopped me.

“Don’t look, Leah!” His tone was as serious as I’d ever heard it, which freaked me out even more. What was he so scared of?

Giveaway: $10.00 Amazon gift card.



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Book Blitz for Scion of the Sun by Nicola Marsh


Scion of the Sun by Nicola Marsh

Genre: YA Paranormal

Published July 7th, 2017



Sixteen-year-old Holly Burton’s unremarkable life is shaken to the core when a vision of the mother she never knew has her questioning everything she believes.
Eager for answers, Holly enrolls at a boarding school for highly gifted students in Wolfebane, New Hampshire. When she accidentally transports to a parallel existence and discovers she has a whole other life waiting for her, confronting a dark and ancient evil seems the least of her problems.
With the help of Joss, a sexy alpha warrior sworn to protect her, and her new BFF, the equally swoon-worthy Quinn, Holly faces her fears and an unlikely adversary in a showdown that is worse than anything she could’ve possibly imagined…


About the Author:

USA TODAY bestselling & multi-award winning author Nicola Marsh writes flirty fiction with flair for adults and spooky, supernatural fiction for young adults.
She has published 64 books with Harlequin, Amazon and indie, and sold over 7 million copies worldwide. She currently writes women’s fiction for Amazon’s Lake Union Publishing. SAVING SARA released August 1st 2016 and became a #1 romance bestseller in the UK & Australia! RESCUING ROSE, the sequel, released October 4th, 2016. She also writes steamy romance for the upcoming Harlequin Dare series, with SWEET THING releasing March 1st, 2018.
Her first mainstream contemporary romance, BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD released to rave reviews, including a nomination for RWA’s RBY, Romantic Book of the Year 2012. Her first indie-pubbed contemporary romance CRAZY LOVE released September 2012, a Barnes & Noble bestseller, and was nominated for a 2012 ARRA award.
Her young adult fantasy SCION OF THE SUN won the National Readers’ Choice Award for Best YA novel in the USA.
She’s also a Waldenbooks, Bookscan and Barnes & Noble bestseller, a 2013 RBY and National Readers’ Choice Award winner, is a multiple finalist for awards including the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Booksellers’ Best, Golden Quill, Laurel Wreath, More than Magic and has won several CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Awards.
A physiotherapist for 13 years, she now adores writing full time, raising her two young heroes, sharing fine food with family and friends, barracking loudly for her beloved North Melbourne Kangaroos footy team, and her favourite, curling up with a good book!


Read below for an excerpt from the book:

I always thought cults were for crazies.

Until I joined one.

Let me clear up any misconceptions. I’m not crazy. A freak, but not crazy. Which is why I’m here. Freaks R Us. A boarding school for the intellectually gifted tucked away in the back streets of Wolfebane, New Hampshire.

Intellectually gifted? Yeah, right.

We have a pristine lake surrounded by majestic mountains. We have lush green fields that turn into fabulous groomed ski trails in the winter. We have upscale restaurants and thriving businesses and fancy homes—city pizzazz with small town coziness. We even have our very own homegrown C.U.L.T.

The Clique of Unique Luminary Telepathies.

When the average person searches this place on the Internet, the home page reads Co-Ed for Unified Learning and Teaching, a New Age school for the hippest of the hip. It appears to be a rambling English manor, sandstone and massive latticed windows and French doors, surrounded by a cottage garden gone wild.

All very civilized for a place of learning, but what I’d learn would scare the crap out of me.

“Going in sometime this century?”

I glared at Colt, sitting smug in his beat-up Chevy, eager to get rid of me. I’d been thrust on his family, Nan’s only neighbors, when she got carted off to the hospital. I hated staying with his uptight family as much as they hated having me.

“Nah, think I’ll hang with you a bit longer. It’s so much fun.”

He pointed at the door. “Get out.”

I didn’t budge. Colt didn’t scare me. C.U.L.T. did.

“I had no choice staying with your folks. What’s your excuse?”

His expression turned stubborn.

“How old are you anyway? Nineteen? Twenty, tops?”

“Twenty-one,” he gritted out. “Too old to be babysitting dorks like you.”

“Dork? That’s mature for a guy tied so tight to mommy’s apron strings he’s still living at home.”

His hands clenched on the steering wheel and I jiggled the door handle. The door opened on the third try.

“If you were this smart-assed with your Nan I’m not surprised she had a stroke.”

Low blow. That’s what it felt like, like he’d kicked me in the guts. His words inspired the same nauseating feeling I’d had when I’d told her what I’d seen. When she’d uttered five mysterious words—she took the wrong one—and keeled over.

“And she’s in a long-term coma?” He drove the boot in harder. “She’d probably do anything to stay away from you.”

I grabbed my backpack, slung my messenger bag over my shoulder, and slammed the door. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. It wasn’t what he’d said as much as the possible truth behind it.

He leaned across the bench seat and leered out the window. “Enjoy the lock-up. It’s a perfect place for psychos. You’ll fit right in.”

“Screw you.”

Colt gave me the finger, gunned the engine, and squealed away from the curb, leaving me standing in front of my prison.

Wolfebane High had sucked, but boarding school? Fine for my favorite fictional characters who thrived on girl power. Me? I wasn’t the kickass heroine so much.

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Cover Reveal of Library Jumpers by Brenda Drake

Library Jumpers
Release Date: January 2016
Entangled Teen
Summary from Goodreads:
Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys than kiss them. That
is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly
disappears. While examining the book of world libraries he abandoned, Gia
unwittingly speaks the key that sucks her and her friends into a photograph and
transports them into a Paris library, where Arik and his Sentinels—magical
knights charged with protecting humans from the creatures traveling across the
gateway books—rescue them from a demonic hound.

Jumping into some of the world’s most beautiful libraries would be a
dream come true for Gia, if she weren’t busy resisting her heart or
dodging an exiled wizard seeking revenge on both the Mystik and human worlds.
Add a French flirt obsessed with Arik and a fling with a young wizard,
and Gia must choose between her heart and her head, between Arik’s world and
her own, before both are destroyed.

Pre-Order Links:

About the Author
Brenda Drake, the youngest of three children, grew up
an Air Force brat and the continual new kid at schooluntil
her family settled in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Brenda’s fondest memories growing up is
of hereccentric, Irish grandmother’s animated tales, which gave her
a strong love for storytelling. So it was onlyfitting that she would choose to write young adult and middle grade novels with
a bend toward thefantastical. When Brenda’s not writing or doing the social media thing, she’s haunting libraries,
bookstores,and coffee shops or reading someplace quiet and not
at all exotic (much to her disappointment).

Author Links:
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